Seniors Madison Yager and Annavictoria Mazariegos sign athletic Letters of Intent for college

Congratulations to Madison Yager and Annavictoria Mazariegos on their Nov. 13 athletic Letter of Intent college signings. Madison will dive for Division I James Madison University. She is three time NYSPHSAA Championship State Qualifier; and is the 2018 and 2019 Section IX Diving Champion, undefeated in dual meets. Madison is a member of the school’s …

Fall preseason sports schedules announced

Game Day Cheer:  Coach Patti Archiere ( ·       Aug. 19 and 23: 5:30 to 8 p.m. – Workout in HS Auxiliary Gym ·       Aug. 22: 7:30 to 9 a.m. Workout in HS Auxiliary Gym ·       Saturday, Aug. 24: 9 to 11 a.m.  – Workout in HS Auxiliary Gym Cross-Country:  Coach Ed Sucich ( and Coach …

High school pool to be closed this summer

Because of the capital project work scheduled for this summer, the high school pool will be closed all summer.  This includes open swim, lap swim and lessons. Please watch for updates regarding a Fall 2019 opening. Thank you for your understanding!

Summer constructions alerts for the high school and other buildings on the main campus

Please be aware of the work which is getting ready to start, or already in progress,  at the high school and at other buildings on the main campus: ·         Track resurfacing and the building of a retaining wall ·         Upgrading HVAC system, including new air handling unit, and upgrade controls ·         Replacement of floor tiles …

Track and football field closure alert

The Minisink Valley High School track and football field will be closed from June 29 through Oct. 1 for scheduled capital improvement project work. The district is replacing the surface of the high school track this summer due to the heavy traffic from athletes, education classes and community use. Replacement will enable the district to continue …

110 x 3 ! Minisink Valley lacrosse players reach century milestone

Reaching the 100 mark is truly a feat in many sports! Congratulations junior Mia Macaluso for scoring her 100th career lacrosse goal during the Warriors’ April 25 win over Highland/Marlboro team. Senior Nora Hanlon reached this same milestone of 100 goals in the Warriors’ overtime victory over Warwick on May 8. Plus! During that game, junior Madison Gerow recorded her 100th …

Girls varsity golf team pulls off impressive win and school record

The girls varsity golf team pulled off the biggest feat of the season at the Burke Invitational on April 10, pushing their record to an impressive 9-1. On a cold and windy day at the Hickory Hill golf course in Warwick, they defeated Valley Central, Monroe-Woodbury, Burke, Warwick, and Newburgh, shooting a school record 136 …

Five varsity teams named NYSPHSAA Team-Scholar Award recipients

Congratulations to the five Minisink Valley High School winter sports teams who have recently been named by the New York State Public High School Athletic Association (NYSPHSAA) as Team-Scholar Award recipients.   To receive this state recognition, a varsity team must maintain a cumulative grade point average of at least 90 percent. Teams are: Girls Basketball …

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