Buildings and Grounds

The Building and Grounds Department provides oversight for the health and safety of everyone in the district while properly cleaning and maintaining its facilities.
One of the ways this is accomplished is through the use of “green” cleaning chemicals for everyday cleaning tasks, such: as mopping of floors or the cleaning of windows throughout the district.
Additionally, the continuous use of entrance walk-off mats and high efficiency vacuums help keep dirt out of our buildings.
It also takes a leading role as a member of the district’s health and safety committees. Staff also work diligently to protect everyone in all buildings under renovation, consistent with all state regulations.
The department uses an integrated pest management program that works in conjunction with prevention, pest sighting logs and using the least-toxic methods available.

Notice of completion of 2024-25 fire Inspection
Notice is hereby given that the annual inspection for 2024-25 of the Elementary, Middle, High and Otisville school buildings as well as all other buildings and storage areas of Minisink Valley Central School District for fire hazards which might endanger the lives of students, teachers, employees therein, has been completed and the report thereof is available at the office of Buildings & Grounds at Intermediate and Elementary Building, 2320 Route 6, Slate Hill, New York 10973 for inspection by all interested persons.
More Information
Nicholas Tranchina
Director of Facilities