Instructional Websites

CLICK HERE FOR: Paper Online Tutoring for Grades 6 -12

Instructional websites

Amplify:   Grades K-5 (Click on “Log In with Google” and use student email address)

BrainPOP:  Grades K-8 (Click on G-Suite for Education - use student email address)

BrainPOP Jr.:  Grades K-8 (Click G-Suite for Education – use student email address)

Career Cruising: Grades 6-8

Castle Learning  Grades 9-12

Discovery Education:  Grades K-12 (Use student email address)

Ducksters Science Help


Eureka²  Math:    Grades K-5

Google Classroom:  Grades K-12 (Use student email address)

iReady:  iReady is for grades K-5 and students will sign in using Google SSO

IXL- Grades 6-8:  (Sign in with Google – Use student email address)

Kami:  Grades K-12 (Use student email address)

Keyboarding Without Tears:  Grades K-5 (Use student email address)

Khan Academy: Grades K-12 Grades K-5

Mosa Mack Science:  Grades 6-8 (Use Google SOO)

MusicFirstClassroomIntermediate School/Otisville Elementary School

MusicFirstClassroom:  Middle School

MusicFirstClassroom:  High School

MusicFirstJuniorIntermediate School


Mystery Science:   Grades K-5


Pear Deck Free :  Grades K-12

SeeSaw:  Grades K-2 (Use student email address)

Sora:  Grades K-12 (Select MV, then use student email address)