Parent Portal Information

What is the Parent Portal?
All parents/guardians in the Minisink Valley CSD are eligible to access the district’s Parent Portal. This online service enables parents to view student information such as grades, assignment grades, marking period averages, schedules, attendance, progress reports, report cards and assessment scores.
New users:
Enroll now for the Parent Portal
Parents/guardians will need their child’s student ID number and an active email address. If there area any difficulties with the online registration form, please consult the Parent Portal “Parent Guide” or contact:

Download the app
Parents/guardians can access their student’s information “on the go” and receive push-notifications when assignment grades are posted. Download the SchoolTool mobile app:
Information that will be needed:
Use this link to access SchoolTool: SchoolTool Login
Username: Parent Portal username (may be an email)
Password: Parent Portal password
Select “stay logged in” if you do not want to enter this information each time you access the app.
Do you need to reset your password?
No need to call your child’s school! Just follow these simple steps:
Visit SchoolTool and type in the username (email address you have on file at the school)
Click the login button
Select “New User or Forgot password?”
Enter the email address on the right side of the screen
Submit! And check your email inbox for a new password.
If you experience any difficulty with this process, email: Email Parent Portal
Do you need to change your contact information?
Parents/guardians can now request contact changes (phone/email) and contact rights directly through the SchoolTool Parent Portal.