students exercising with a rope

Elementary School students raised over $5,642 for the American Heart Association through their participation in its Kids Heart Challenge.

The Kids Heart Challenge focuses on teaching students the importance of eating healthy and exercising to maintain good heart health. Students learned about heart health, discussed engaging in regular physical activity, eating a heart healthy diet, avoiding drugs, tobacco and vaping, and the importance of staying hydrated and good mental health. They learned all these can affect one’s health and risk factors for heart disease and stroke.

kids jumping rope

They also learned that jumping is a great way to exercise their hearts!

Additionally, first-grader Hank Bobrick was selected as a 2024-25 American Heart Association (AHA) Youth Heart Ambassador. Hank will join other ambassadors nationwide who will be the face and voice of AHA’s in-school initiatives. AHA Heart Youth Ambassadors are students aged 2 to 19 who have been affected by heart disease or stroke either through a personal diagnosis, diagnosis of a loved one, or are passionate about a heart healthy lifestyle change.

Heart challenge lessons and activities were made possible through the joint efforts of physical education teachers Anthony Pascarelli, Leyla Johnson and Ross Potter.