students marching

Elementary School kindergarteners marked the International Day of Peace with pinwheels today, Sept. 20, demonstrating their growing knowledge of the importance of peace and what it means.

The International Day of Peace was established in 1981 by unanimous United Nations resolution. Peace Day, which is officially marked on Sept. 21, provides a globally shared date for all humanity to commit to peace above all differences and to contribute to building a culture of peace.

students with pinwheels

The "Pinwheels for Peace" project involves children and adults making pinwheels to express their thoughts and feelings about peace and often times placing them in the ground in the shape of a peace sign. This art installation project started in 2005 by two Florida high school art teachers as a way for their students to express their feelings about what's going on in the world and in their lives.

Pinwheels are used because they’re considered a childhood symbol and a reminder of a time when things were simple, joyful and peaceful. Pinwheels are easily made using just about any type of material and can be as any size, limited only by the creator’s materials and motivation and the need for a mild breeze.

Students decorated their pinwheels with words, symbols, patterns, and colors that represent peace.

See more photos on the district's Facebook page.