students in performance

Otisville Elementary’s ongoing character education curriculum is presented to students in many ways, including in a Sept. 23 Bright Star Touring Theatre production of “Bullysaurus Rex.”


In two shows for the school’s younger and older students, actors presented a show which creatively presented to students how bullying goes “way, way, way back.” In this dinosaur-themed anti-bullying adventure, students learned it isn’t always easy to stand-up for yourself or your friends. But they saw that these “fun-loving giant” characters who “lived eons ago” have many of the same bullying challenges that young people face today. The actors reminded students how to recognize, report and stand up to bullying while learning to be a great “dino-friend.”  

students at a show

In addition to reinforcing a variety of anti-bullying and character education skills to students, the production also reinforces reading, literature, informational text and foundational skills, speaking and listening and language skills.

students at a show

The North Carolina-based Bright Star Touring Theatre has performed for large and small schools nationally and internationally on a variety of educational topics. The performances were sponsored by the Otisville PTO.  

See more photos on the district's Facebook page.