students with HVHF logo

Seniors Audrey Guido and Julia Kronimus have been selected to participate in the Hudson Valley Honor Flight Junior Guardian Program and will join its “Mission 34” trip on Saturday, Oct. 19, which will bring area veterans to Washington, D.C. to visit their national monuments/memorials.

The Hudson Valley Honor Flight (HVHF) organization honors veterans from the greater Hudson Valley region for their military sacrifices and service by arranging special, free trips to bring them to Washington, D.C. visit their national monuments/memorials which honor their service. Top priority is given to World War II and terminally ill veterans from other wars. But veterans from other wars are equally welcome.

In their roles as HVHF  “junior guardians,” Audrey and Julia will provide physical and emotional assistance to veterans on this trip so they have a safe and memorable experience. This includes helping at the airport, during the flights, at the hotel and at the monuments/memorials.

Audrey and Julia have already attended a veteran “meet and greet” and will complete two training sessions to prepare them for “Mission 34,” which departs Stewart International Airport very early on Saturday, Oct. 19.

Audrey’s junior guardian sponsorship has been provided by Minisink Hose Company #1 (Unionville Fire Department); and Julia’s junior guardian sponsorship has been provided by the American Legion George Smith Post 1607 in Unionville.

Watch for more on their experiences.