important district message artwork

Minisink Valley school community:

We’re writing to let you know that late this afternoon, the district became aware of a Snapchat post involving a threat to the high school. 

We immediately reported this to our law enforcement partners, who responded swiftly to our campus and began their own investigation.  Both the district and our law enforcement partners have determined there was no credibility to this Snapchat post.   

The reporting of these comments is exactly what we want everyone in our school community to do and what we consistently remind everyone in the district to do: If you see or hear something, say something to school officials. We are grateful to those who reached out to us so we could quickly address the matter.

We share this information in the interest of transparency, particularly given our current societal climate. Please use today’s incident as a teachable moment to remind your children about the negative consequences of inappropriate social media comments /posts and the severe consequences that will occur as a result of such inappropriate comments/posts.  As a reminder, the district has a zero-tolerance policy for this type of behavior, as noted on our Code of Conduct.  

We also want to remind parents about the equal importance of monitoring their children’s use of social media, including the social media platforms they use and the content on those platforms. 

Lastly, thank you to our law enforcement partners for their rapid response to address this matter and for their ongoing commitment to ensure the safety of everyone in all our buildings. 

Thank you.     


Brian C. Monahan

Kenneth Hauck