honor flight logo and students

The two High School students representing Minisink Valley and who served as junior guardians on the Oct. 19 Mission 34 Hudson Valley Honor Flight to Washington, D.C. described the trip and their experience as “life changing” and “unforgettable.”

Audrey and Julia and vets

Seniors Audrey Guido and Julia Kronimus provided physical and emotional assistance to their assigned veterans on this trip to give them a safe and memorable experience. This included helping at the spectacular Stewart International Airport send-off and return, their chartered American Airlines flights, assistance during their visit to the nation’s military  monuments/memorials and a special dinner gathering  before returning to New York.

“Words could never describe how life changing this experience was,” said Audrey. “I had the utmost honor of accompanying Vietnam Veteran and Purple Heart recipient Sgt. Victor Garcia of the Marine Corps on a trip filled with hugs, tears, conversations, and lots and lots of candy. We have formed such a special bond and friendship that he is not only my friend, but he is my family. He and I will forever keep in contact, we are already planning to go out for breakfast on Veterans Day.” 

Julia described her experience in the same way.

“The experience I had on Oct. 19 was one of the best and most unforgettable trips I have ever been on in my life,” said Julia. “I had the privilege to witness my female Marine veteran from the Vietnam war era, Peggy Yost, get the recognition and welcome home she rightfully deserved. On our trip, Peggy shared her brave and inspiring story and the sacrifices she gave for this country during and after her service in the Marines.”

audrey and julia and vets

Julia noted the group’s stops at the monuments/memorials  reminded her how fortunate everyone is to live in this nation.

 “We were able to honor the brave men and women who shaped our country today,” she said. “I realized how lucky and blessed we, American citizens, are to live in such a beautiful and amazing country as the United States.”

 Audrey added the day was so much more than visiting Arlington National Cemetery and the World War I, World War II, Korean and Vietnam national monuments as well as other sites.

 “This day was not just for me to experience the monuments, it was a day for veterans like Victor to receive the ‘Welcome Home’ they deserved returning from their time in the service,” she said.

In addition, Otisville Elementary School students played a role in HVHF Mission 34. Every student wrote letters or created a piece of artwork which was hand-delivered to veterans during HVHF's "Mail Call" on the evening return trip to New York.. A banner was created by Art Teacher Kara Welsh, who made sure every Otisville student signed his/her name to show their support.

students with cardsveterans with otisville banner

 Both students thanked everyone involved for allowing them to have this opportunity to be part of HVHF’s Junior Guardian Program.  Audrey’s junior guardian sponsorship was provided by Minisink Hose Company #1 (Unionville Fire Department); and Julia’s junior guardian sponsorship was provided by the American Legion George Smith Post 1607 in Unionville.

 “This is another wonderful example of our students making a positive difference in the lives of others --- including our Otisville students --- and it’s clear the impact of this experience has equally made a positive difference in Audrey’s and Julia’s lives,” said Superintendent Brian Monahan. “We are very proud of them and we’re proud to support our veterans and those who are active duty service personnel in any way we can. This is also another shining example of our relationships with our community organizations and we thank Unionville Fire and American Legion Post 1607 for their financial support to allow our students to participate.”      

The Hudson Valley Honor Flight (HVHF) organization honors veterans from the greater Hudson Valley region for their military sacrifices and service by arranging special, free trips to bring them to Washington, D.C. visit their national monuments/memorials which honor their service. Top priority is given to World War II and terminally ill veterans from other wars. But veterans from other wars are equally welcome. HVHF guardians play a significant role on every trip, ensuring that every veteran has a safe and memorable experience. For anyone interested in learning more about how to become an Honor Flight guardian, visit:  https://hvhonorflight.com/

See more photos on the district's Facebook page.