Class of 2024 students will be recognized on the district’s marquee sign at the entrance to the Route 6 campus, with the first presentation of all graduates beginning June 1 through June 10.
The second presentation, which repeats the June 1 to 11 order of appearance, will be displayed from June 11 to 20.
The schedule is:
Abs to Bra: June 1 and 11
Bro to Dur: June 2 and 12
Dus to Gha: June 3 and 13
Gil to Hin: June 4 and 14
Iva to Luk: June 5 and 15
Lyn to Mig: June 6 and 16
Mon to Per: June 7 and 17
Pet to Sam: June 8 and 18
San to Tho: June 9 and 19
Tie to Yoz: June 10 and 20
There are 24 to 26 students per group and the full rotation will cycle through every eight to nine minutes.
Additionally, on Thursday, June 27, the entire Senior Class will be spotlighted beginning at 7 a.m. and running through 12 midnight. A full rotation will take approximately one hour and 20 minutes.