Harlem  Wizards artwork

It's a benefit basketball game no one wants to miss! On Wednesday, March 12, the world-famous Harlem Wizards are coming to Minisink Valley to play a team composed of district faculty and staff!

Basketball aficionados will be treated to great skills, teamwork, slick dribbling, alley-oops and crazy slams. The non-hoop fans attending will find out that this is much more than just a basketball game. The night is funny, theatrical, exciting and spectacular and the gym will reverberate with "oohs and aahs," laughter, enthusiasm, and much more!

Minisink Valley's team line-up will include faculty and staff from all five schools, Central Office and the Board of Education. The official line-up is coming soon!

Doors open at 6 p.m, with the game starting at 7 p.m. The game is a fundraiser for the Elementary School PTO.

Ticket information and pricing is listed below.

For tickets: Harlem Wizards tickets

wizard artwork