Otisville Elementary students raised $4,686 for the American Heart Association through their participation in its Kids Heart Challenge.
The Kids Heart Challenge focuses on teaching students the importance of eating healthy and exercising to maintain good heart health. Students learned about heart health, discussed engaging in regular physical activity, eating a heart healthy diet, avoiding tobacco and the importance of good mental health. They learned all these can affect one’s health and risk factors for heart disease and stroke.
Students were able to explore the skill of jumping rope in a variety of ways. They also participated in the school’s 21st annual “Jump the Donut” competition, a game where students stand in a circle with the teacher in the middle. The teacher spins a rope with a rubber deck ring on the end. If the ring hits the student as the ring is spun around the circle, the student is out.
Congratulations to this year’s winners:
Fifth-grade: Avery Slomka
Fourth-grade: Griffin Tomasulo
Third-grade: Pierson Ferrantello
Second-grade: Gulianna Pascal
First-grade: Bryce Faulkner